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Truly healthy people aren’t just doing “one thing” to be healthy. For example you could have great fitness, but have high stress levels, or have a good diet, but lack exercise. With that being said, did you know that multiple factors of your health could be affected by how clean your home is? Learn the benefits of cleaning your home below, and start living healthier today!


Everyone talks about having a balanced look to their home. Well nothing will take away from that more than clutter, which happens when things are out of place or just don’t have a place to go. According to an article by Psychology Today, clutter makes it difficult for us to relax, causes anxiety, overworks our senses, can make us feel overwhelmed, and frustrates us because we can’t easily locate what we need (Carter, S. 2012). Obviously you can see how clutter in your home can directly contribute to stress. Make sure you set aside time to declutter, so you can have peace of mind in your own home.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, but your house is filled with allergens. Most us of associate allergies with sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes, but don’t really think of how that can affect everything we do. In fact according to Dr. Daniel More, “People with allergies have, overall, been found to have slower verbal reasoning, slower decision making, and reduced psychomotor speed,” (More, D 2018). So allergies can impact on how responsive we are. Maybe you don’t directly associate this with intelligence, but I think it is safe to say people who are sharper and more alert certainly appear as more intelligent.

Allergens can be found in your house in many forms, but one of the main culprits dust! It’s important that you don’t let dust accumulate by using microfiber to pick it up! Why? Since microfiber is positively charged it actually acts as a magnet to negatively charged dust. You can use microfiber dust cloths on your household surfaces or our best microfiber dusters to get harder to reach places, such as vents and ceiling fans.


Ever have a hard time going to sleep in your own bed? Maybe you need to wash your sheets! Many of us are allergic to tiny creatures that live in our bed, called dust mites. These things can cause shortness of breath, blocked or runny nose, and a tight chest, all resulting in a lower quality sleep! How can you be the best version of yourself when you aren’t recharging your battery at night to the fullest?


When we get sick we almost always point to a friend who was coughing and sneezing or blame it on the cold weather. What we don’t realize that our own homes can actually be a bigger cause. Why is this? For one, we spend most of our time in our own homes. We also bring germs such as bacteria, fungus, and viruses in from the outside, where they then grow and multiply in our homes. Lastly, if we don’t clean regularly (especially in the kitchen), pests that carry harmful pathogens, can enter our homes. All of these can be responsible for a number of infections (from mild to severe) on your skin, eyes, lungs, and stomach, just to name a few. Yikes! See here for 20 items that you need to clean for a healthier home!

Did you know microfiber towels can actually pick up bacteria when cleaning? Check out some of our best microfiber towels for cleaning your home!


This one may sound odd, but think about the benefits we’ve discussed above when you have a clean home: less stress, increased alertness, more refreshed, & lowering risks of getting sick. Studies have shown that messy and disorganized living environments can lead to unhealthy eating. When your body and mind feel right, you have the motivation and energy to take proper care of yourself. How easy is it to work out when you have the cold or flu, or when you’ve been sitting on your couch , or had a hard time sleeping? Plus, house cleaning itself can be a workout and get you moving and motivated.


Cleaning your home is not something you should “put-off”. Whether you want to clean daily, weekly, or monthly is up to you, but be sure to schedule time to do it and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. We have a wide variety of professional microfiber products so you can enjoy the benefits of a clean home! They’ll help you clean faster, easier, and more effectively. Want to know how you can clean your home like a pro? See our list of professional home cleaning tips.

Reference entry

More, Daniel (2018). How Allergies Affect Your Mood and Energy Level. retrieved from:

Carter Sherrie (2012). Why Mess Causes Stress: 8 Reasons, 8 Remedies retrieved:

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