When looking for ways to make more money, all entrepreneurs, but especially those in the cleaning industry, have an unhealthy obsession with the allure of newness! New services, new upsells, and new add-ons all sing out to business owners like a siren song, promising the titillating excitement of creativity, adventure, and untold riches to be plundered in the untapped blue ocean. It's all so thrilling in the brainstorming stage, but there's a secret the sirens are hiding!
As a professional cleaning expert and business consultant with over 20 years of experience advising some of the largest cleaning companies in the industry, I can tell you confidently that the most lucrative opportunities already lie within your grasp, hiding within your existing business operations. In the world of cleaning, there is no faster or cheaper way to boost profits than optimizing the efficiency and performance of what you already do and what you do it with, as these changes rapidly drive cash to the bottom line without the need for significant investments in marketing or sales.
Take microfiber, for example. This miracle fabric is usually cast aside as just another expense. A line item in your budget. A necessary evil to be acquired as cheaply as possible, right?! But what if I told you that this mindset is holding your business back from its full profit potential and costing you thousands in take-home profits each year? Keep an open mind and prepare to have it blown as I break down for you the microfiber money maker that’s been hiding in plain sight in your laundry bin!